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Defying Gravity: Shattered Cove Series Book 3 Page 2
Defying Gravity: Shattered Cove Series Book 3 Read online
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Katy patted her shoulder before reaching for the door. “You say that, but you haven’t seen all that this little seacoast town has to offer. Unless I read you wrong and you’re looking for some female company?” Katy asked.
“No. I just like being single. Relationships . . . complicate things.” It was a canned response that got most well-meaning friends off her back.
“No one said anything about a relationship, girl.” Katy giggled and led the way into the long hallway of the hospital.
Belle wasn’t that type of girl either. Not that she judged women who were able to separate feelings from sex. God, she wished she could. She just wasn’t built like that.
The automatic double doors to the emergency entrance opened and summer’s floral fragrance enveloped her, wiping away the sterile hospital scent that always burned her nose.
“See you tonight,” Katy called out as Belle opened the door of her car. She took one more pull of clean air before climbing inside and buckling up. Her old Ford rattled to life and a silent ping of gratitude flitted through her. One more thing to be grateful for today. Her car had started. TJ was safe. She had a job that she enjoyed. And now, a potential night on the town with a friend.
Belle walked in the house and hung her keys on the notch. “TJ?”
“In here,” he called from the kitchen. Several books lay open in front of him and he held a pencil in his hand. Upbeat music bled into the room from his earbuds.
She smiled. He had grown up so much, survived hell and still come out such an amazing human being. She loved him more like a son than a brother. It was only fitting because she’d raised him since birth, when she was only seven. Sure, her mother had been “there,” but never emotionally, and sometimes she was even physically absent for days at a time.
She reached and plucked one of the white pods from his ear and listened in. “American Funeral” by Alex Da Kid and Joseph Angel blasted through the tiny speaker.
“Studying hard?” she asked, taking a seat across from him at the small table and handing him back his earbud.
“Aren’t I always?” He gave a cheeky grin.
“Have you heard anything about the early graduation?”
His grin widened. “It’s all set for December before Christmas break. I’ll be in college by January.”
She flicked the cap off his head. He was cocky, but it was well-deserved.
“Hey!” He picked up the hat and adjusted it a little to the side.
Pride and love welled inside her chest. “That’s amazing. What about the scholarships?” Even if he didn’t get them, she’d work two full-time jobs if it meant her brother could get through medical school and achieve his dreams.
“Working on finalizing the submissions with the guidance counselor.”
She patted his arm, now bigger than hers. She studied her brother’s face. The dark purple bruise under his eye made her stomach dip. Concern furrowed her brow. If only he could survive just a few more months in high school, then his life could start as he pursued his own dreams.
Light black scruff shadowed his chin and cheeks in spots, while others were left bare. TJ was somewhere in the middle of the transition from a boy to a man. More gratitude welled inside her, warm and bright. She thanked the universe every day that they had survived.
“How about pizza for dinner? I’m too tired to cook,” she suggested.
“I’ll never complain about pizza. Pirate’s Pizzeria?” He pulled out his phone and punched the contact.
“Get two large and we’ll have leftovers.” She stood before heading towards the stairs. Worry cinched her chest. “Money is in my purse. Oh, I was gonna go out for a few hours tonight. Stay inside, okay? You can have someone over, but—”
“I know the rules.” He waved her off.
She didn’t have many, but staying inside from dusk till sunrise was one of them. She didn’t want to come home one day and see her brother on the news mistaken for a criminal. One visit from the police, however innocent it seemed, was more than enough.
“I was going to have Mark come over in a couple hours to study. When are you leaving?” TJ asked.
Belle smiled, grateful he had at least one friend in this small town. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked her messages.
Katy: Shipwreck at 8:30.
“At eight-fifteen. I’m gonna go shower and get ready. Let me know when the pizza is here.”
“Will do.”
“I love you.”
He rolled his eyes. “You too, sis.”
As corny as he might have thought her constant reminders were, she wanted him growing up knowing there was always one person in this world he could count on—her and her fierce love.
Belle checked her reflection in the car mirror as she applied a heavy layer of her favorite fire-engine red lip stain. Her curls were loose around her face, stopping just before her shoulders. She’d squeezed into a pair of white skinny jeans and picked a black off-the-shoulder top. It was nice to dress up in something besides scrubs for once.
Taking a deep breath, she got out of her car in the already full parking lot. Alternative music grew louder each time the front door to the club opened. The stars glittered above in the humid summer night. She walked towards the neon signs and stopped in front of the hulking man with scars on his face and tattoos peeking out from the collar of his shirt.
“ID, please,” he said, his deep voice gruff but kind.
She pulled it out of her pocket, and after a quick inspection, he handed it back to her and opened the door.
The place was like something out of a movie. Fish tanks were built into the wall with lights reflecting off the water, bathing the place in a warm blue glow. The timber bar was surrounded by a group of men laughing, most likely on the hunt for someone to keep their bed warm.
“Belle! Over here.” A shout from the side had her turning to find Katy surrounded by four other ladies she recognized from the few times she’d worked first shift.
As Belle approached the table, Katy patted the seat next to her. “You look hot, girl. Who knew that body was hiding under those scrubs?”
Belle’s cheeks grew warm. She shifted uncomfortably. “Right back at ya, girl. What are we drinking?”
“Shots!” a blond woman yelled loudly enough that Belle assumed she’d already had a few.
“Tina picked the last round. Tawny picked Fireball before that.” Katy motioned in a circle, naming the ladies. “Sue picked boring old beer.”
“Hey!” Sue whined.
“Now it’s Amy’s turn.”
“Okay, I’ll be back, bitches.” Amy stood, wobbling a bit. She grabbed the table to steady herself before walking to the bar.
Sue was sitting on the other side of Belle and turned abruptly. “I love your hair. I wish I could get mine to do something creative like that. Is this your real mane?” Sue reached out her hand and Belle’s shot out to stop her.
“Don’t. Touch. My. Hair . . . please,” Belle added with a forced smile.
“Oh, I—uh. I’m sorry. I was just curious,” Sue said, draining the few drops left in her empty glass.
Katy laughed. “What about you, Sue? Are those your real boobs?”
Sue looked down and then back up at Katy, her cheeks scarlet. “Of course they are.”
The other ladies laughed, breaking the tension.
Belle chuckled too. Maybe this was a good idea after all.
“Okay, I hope you all like whiskey,” Amy said, balancing the glasses on a tray. She handed out one to each woman.
“At this rate, I’m gonna be puking before the end of the night,” Tina complained.
“Too bad we can’t bring the banana bags home for personal use,” Katy joked.
“Don’t all look at once, but guess who I saw at the
bar?” Amy squealed.
“Who?” Tawny yelled as every one of them turned their heads towards the last man Belle wanted to see.
Cerulean-blue eyes, alert and narrow, he scanned the room—a contrast to his jet-black hair that was slicked to the side. Dark stubble peppered across his strong jaw. The man was GQ model-worthy. He looked as if he should be on a billboard selling rare artisan whiskey rather than walking among mere mortals. The almost permanent smirk on his face told her he knew what kind of power he held and how to wield it for his benefit. She swallowed, her eyes traveling to where the T-shirt stretched against his wide muscular chest. His toned arms were not bulky, but defined. The kind that you had to work out regularly for. He obviously cared about how he looked. He’s probably shallow and vain.
“The sheriff?” Belle confirmed.
Katy turned back to her long enough to answer. “He’s, like, only the hottest playboy in the entire seacoast.”
“Many women have tried to tame him, but none have succeeded,” Tawny added like she was speaking of a mythical creature.
Belle shook her head. So, the man in uniform was a player. That was no surprise.
“It was like a rite of passage in high school to sleep with Bently Evans around here,” Tina said, dreamily.
“No one’s worried about the diseases he could be spreading?” Belle asked bitterly before she drank the liquid that burned her throat.
All five women turned to look at her as if she’d just said the pope was dead.
“He’s got a reputation, that’s for sure. But, honey, I can tell you from experience that he’s worth the heartbreak. That man has magic fingers, a mouth that should be considered illegal, and a heart of gold.” Tawny eyed her.
“Not to mention, rumor has it that he has a ladies-first policy,” Amy added. “And he gets regular checkups. Because of HIPPA, I can’t tell you anything, but let me just say, I’d do him.”
“Sounds like the perfect guy.” Perfection isn’t real.
Her skin tingled, prickling with awareness. She glanced up and Bently’s ice-blue eyes locked with hers. He smirked and her pulse quickened. She may have been angry at the male species, with good reason, but she was still a woman. Her body reacted to his six-foot-something frame, with his white shirt stretched taut against those bulky muscles. The man was pure lust, and she wanted none of it. He was just like all the rest, looking for another notch on his bedpost. Hell would freeze over before she became one.
Belle focused on her drink, draining it quickly.
The woman tending the bar approached them and switched out their drinks with a round of Sex on The Beach. “From an admirer.”
“Come on, Charli, put us out of our misery and tell us it was from Prince Charming,” Amy begged.
Charli rolled her eyes. “From the flirt himself.”
“Seems like someone’s piqued his fancy.” Katy eyed Belle suspiciously as Charli walked away.
Belle didn’t give him the satisfaction of looking up for the rest of the night. Katy’s round was next, and she chose something fruity and potent. They all laughed together about antics from work.
“That’s nothing. Once I had a patient come in because she didn’t think she had to remove a tampon before putting another one in.” Katy shook her head.
“Where did she think they would go?” Tina asked.
“She thought they just dissolved!” Katy laughed.
Belle cringed.
“Bently keeps staring over here,” Tawny said.
“Maybe he wants round two after all with you,” Belle suggested.
Amy shook her head. “Bently hasn’t dipped his pen in Shattered Cove ink in years, to many single ladies’ dismay.”
“And some married ones.” Tawny giggled.
“Ever since he became sheriff,” Katy clarified.
“All we get is his grade-A flirting. I heard he goes to the city for company now.” Tina sighed.
I wonder why.
No. Belle had no business giving that man any precious real estate in her mind.
“I gotta get home to my husband and boys. I’ll see you ladies at work next week.” Tawny stood.
“Do you mind if I catch a ride with you?” Tina asked.
“Sure thing. Good night, ladies.”
“Good night.”
“I’m gonna go say hello to that fine-looking man over by the stage. Don’t wait up for me,” Sue said, pushing her breasts a little higher.
“Just us left?” Katy motioned to Amy and Belle.
“Looks like it. I’ll run to the bathroom and grab another round,” Belle said, sliding off her stool. The room swirled around her as she reached out her hand and steadied herself on the table. It had been a while since she’d had a few drinks, and three of them had her tipsy. Guess I’ll be hailing a cab tonight.
It didn’t matter, because for the first time in a long time, she was relaxed and happy.
Belle went to the bathroom and washed her hands. She smacked her lips together, happy her lip stain hadn’t budged in hours. Heading out the door, her foot caught and she stumbled. Two strong arms caught her before she could face-plant and embarrass herself. Electricity tore through her. Her body hummed with heat. She gasped.
“Thank you.” She looked up at her savior and her breath hitched. Whoa. He’s even hotter up close.
“No problem, beautiful,” Bently said, the smirk on his mouth reaching pantie-melting territory. Pantie-melting? What the hell is wrong with me?
“Oh, fuck.”
He chuckled.
Shit, I said that aloud.
“I like that idea.” His hungry gaze raked across her skin like hot coals, blistering her with need.
No! This man is a man. A tragic flirt. And he’s a cop. And he’s a White-man-cop. Her brain worked overtime to reason with her drunk self.
She jerked out of his grasp, quickly righting herself. The pulsing energy fizzled to a simmer between them, giving her at least some clarity.
“I hear there isn’t much you don’t like,” she said, but kept her tone as even as she could, without the heat of the anger that lurked deep within her. Men like him in power have very big egos that are highly fragile.
“I think we got off on the wrong foot. However, I’d like to help you wake up on the right side of the bed.” He chuckled and his grin widened.
Anger rose, quickly morphing into fury. How dare he think she was just some easy one-night ride that he could use up and turn back onto the street? He had a whole queue of willing participants, so why target her? Bently was just like all the other men of her past.
“Does that line actually work on women?” she snapped.
His smile faltered.
“Look, buddy.” She poked his chest as he frowned. Damn, even that was hot. “I’m not sleeping with you. There are several ladies in here who are looking for what you have to offer, but I’ll never be one of them.” She turned on her heel and walked away with her head held high.
Damn that man and her traitorous body that craved to know what his hands would feel like on her skin.
But after one night with him, there was only one emotion she would be feeling—regret.
Chapter 3
Belle’s back ached as she walked down the hall towards the break room. She’d been on her feet for almost twelve hours now and was in desperate need of coffee.
“There’s my favorite nurse.” The deep voice had her glancing to her right.
“Doctor Stanley, what can I do for you?” She smiled at the good-looking doctor, fighting the urge to check her watch to see how many minutes were left on her shift.
“Room six needs your competent hands.”
She nodded. “No problem.”
“Thank you,” he called after her as she rounded the corner, finally giving into th
e temptation to look at the time on her wristwatch. Twenty minutes left.
She knocked on the door and Doctor Burton called her in.
Belle had seen her fair share of blood and broken bones in the emergency department. But nothing prepared her for the sight in front of her. Her breath caught and tears prickled the back of her eyes, but she kept her expression void of the violent reaction wreaking havoc inside her body. The woman lay on the hospital bed, both eyes so bruised they were black, and so swollen they were shut. Her arm lay at an odd angle as she tucked herself in a ball. More bruises marred her arms, and legs. Belle forced a slow inhale to steady herself as she got to work helping Doctor Burton. This was why Doctor Stanley had sent her in here. Belle was one of the few in the hospital trained as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.
“Okay, Brynn, Nurse Belle is going to help me set that arm so we can get it in a cast,” Doctor Burton said, adopting a more soothing tone.
The patient nodded slowly and winced as if even that small movement was too painful. “My son. Is he . . .”
“I had Nurse Katy bring him down to the cafeteria. He’s getting some food in his belly,” Doctor Burton answered.
“Thank you,” Brynn said.
“Brynn, honey, we have to ask with injuries like this—were you sexually assaulted?” Belle asked.
Brynn’s body began to tremble. Belle laid her hand gently on her shoulder, careful to exert only enough pressure so that her patient would know she was not alone in this.
“Not this time,” she whispered.
Belle grit her teeth together as her heart broke for this woman. It was better not to wonder how she got stuck in this type of situation. She didn’t need her medical degree to know that one in four women would experience violence from their partner, and nearly one in three women would be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. She’d experienced firsthand the dangers of domestic violence and how easy it was to believe that you were trapped. If only I could have protected myself. Just one more reminder that she’d promised herself she’d learn self-defense and never got around to it. If TJ ever had to see her like that . . .