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Defying Gravity: Shattered Cove Series Book 3 Page 3

  “Would you like to talk to an officer and press charges?” Doctor Burton asked.

  Brynn tensed as she sat straighter and shook her head vehemently, then cried out in pain. “No! No cops.”

  She shifted to the edge of the bed while Belle reached out her other hand to steady her.

  “I shouldn’t have come,” Brynn hissed through gritted teeth.

  “Yes. You should have.” Belle spoke up. “You did the right thing. Your arm needs to be set and your injuries checked over. It is your right to refuse to report this. And it’s our job to offer you confidentiality. We can help you so you can heal, and if you are interested, we can offer you resources so you never have to go back.” This was the hardest part of the job. The moment when the abused might return into the arms of their oppressor.

  Belle waited, holding her breath.

  “Are you sure? There won’t be any police?” Brynn asked hesitantly.

  “I promise.” Belle nodded.

  Brynn took a deep inhale, wincing before she let it out. “Okay. I—I can’t go back. He’ll kill us. I need help. My son . . . he deserves better,” Brynn said, easing somewhat back onto the bed.

  Belle motioned to Doctor Burton that she was ready to begin.

  After her patient’s arm was wrapped in a cast, Belle took a few pictures of the injuries with Brynn’s permission to keep in her file.

  “Are you hungry?” Belle asked.

  “I could use a cup of tea, and maybe some crackers.”

  “Coming right up.” Belle glanced at the clock on the wall. She was past quitting time, but it didn’t matter anymore. This was why she’d gone into medicine. To help women like this.

  Because I couldn’t save my mother.

  Rounding the corner, she dug in her pocket for her credit card.

  “Good evening.” The deep voice rumbled, sending a bolt of lust through her body. She snapped her head up to find the sheriff in a pair of jeans that clung to his muscular thighs and a T-shirt that said “Seaview Construction” across his broad chest.

  “Like what you see?” He chuckled, and her cheeks flushed hot.

  “Are you stalking me now?” she hissed.

  His brow furrowed and he held up his hands as if to placate her. “Darlin’, I’m the man who catches the criminals, and from what I can tell, the only crime being committed here is that scowl across your beautiful face.”

  Heat flooded over her. Her head rang as she tried to form a sentence that made sense enough after a response like that. Irritation prickled her skin. “Why are you here, then?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  His eyes dropped before flicking back to her gaze, his sky-blue spheres darkening.

  “Katy called about a DV situation.”

  Right. My patient. Brynn had made it very clear she didn’t want to talk to the cops, something she had in common with the woman.

  Belle held out her hand and shook her head. “You wasted a trip, officer. My patient doesn’t want to press charges or report anything.”

  He sighed, the concern on his face seemingly genuine. “Let me at least try.”

  “I can’t allow you in there. She’s already refused.”

  “Will she speak with a female officer?” Bently’s eyebrows came together to form a triangle.

  Belle shook her head. “No.”

  His fists clenched at his side. Belle took a step back from him. Was he violent?

  “I hate these calls,” he said as if sensing her fears and offering up an explanation.

  “She’s agreed to use our resources. She’s going to leave the situation. But really, what could you do for her?”

  “I could arrest the son of a bitch who thought it was okay to put his hands on a woman,” he said, his voice rising.

  His answer earned a little respect from her, but she wouldn’t let him know that. “Would it stick? If it’s his first offense, he might get a pass or minimal time in jail. What if he’s got money? He could pay his way out to make this all disappear.”

  “So, we should do nothing? We shouldn’t even try? Is that what you’re saying?” he growled, anger emanating off him in waves.

  “No, what I’m saying is every situation is unique. We can’t help someone who isn’t ready to help themselves. I’ll make sure she gets counseling and a safe haven. I’m trained with how to deal with these types of situations. I’m a SANE nurse.”

  Bently just stared at her, the corner of his eyes wrinkling as he studied her.

  “A SANE nurse—you know, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.”

  “I know what that is.”

  “Okay. Well, even you have to admit that the system isn’t very good at helping victims. She has to have her reasons for fearing for her life and not making a report. My money is on her survival instincts. She did the hard part already, by leaving. Now I’ll get her the support she needs to stay gone.”

  He ran a hand over his face, and sighed, drawing her attention to his overgrown five o’clock shadow. God, that was sexy.

  “I guess I’ll head home then, since there’s nothing for me to do here.” He raked a hand through his messy hair, his shoulders slumped.

  There was that niggling feeling of disappointment again.

  He took one step forward and leaned in, invading her space. Bently smelled like coffee and oak. Woodsy. Manly. The energy between them crackled as she stood frozen in place. His gaze locked on to hers as he glanced at her lips. Her brain was screaming at her to do something, move away, tell him off, but her body wasn’t budging—too caught up on fumes of lust and intoxication of some sort of magic pheromones.

  “Have a good night, darlin’.” He turned away and walked towards the exit.

  Her heart thundered in her chest as anger burned her veins. How could she have been so weak? He’d come close to kissing her! Fuck!

  “Don’t call me darlin’!” she snapped, trying to regain some semblance of control of herself and the situation. What was this man doing to her?


  Brynn was admitted for the night. Belle got her settled with her son in a room before finally clocking off. She was dead on her feet, drained from the long shift, her last patient, and her run-in with Sheriff Hotness.

  “Ugh,” she grumbled, opening her locker. Thank god she had the next two days off. It would give her time to relax before she came in and did it all over again.

  “You heading out?” Katy peered her head inside.


  “You up for a self-defense class with me tomorrow? It’s free,” Katy asked in a singsong voice.

  “Self-defense?” Brynn’s battered face popped into her mind immediately. It was time Belle made her own safety a priority. “When is it?”

  “Tomorrow at seven.”

  “I’ll be there. Send me the address,” Belle agreed. It might feel good to sweat and punch things for a little while. Not to mention hone the skills for survival as a woman.

  Maybe then she’d be able to fight off these urges a little better.

  Chapter 4


  A gust of warm wind blew against Belle’s skin as she adjusted her sports bra and grabbed her water bottle from her front console.

  “You ready to kick some ass?” Katy asked from across the parking lot.

  Belle glanced up and shut her door. “Sure am.”

  She walked beside her friend towards Tidal Gym. “Have you ever taken a self-defense class before?” Katy asked.

  Belle shook her head.

  “Well, this one will be fun and educational.” Katy opened the door for her.

  Belle entered the brightly lit, large room. Various workout equipment lined the edges of the space. A full-size boxing ring was staged off to the far corner where two women sparred in head gear and taped hands.

  “Kickboxing. I
’ve always wanted to learn.” Katy pointed. “The lockers are through there if you ever need them. There’s a room across from them for private classes. That’s where we’re going.”

  Excitement and nervousness weaved a tangled web in Belle’s belly. This was something new for her to conquer, a challenge and a goal she’d set for herself long ago. But life had always seemed to get in the way.

  She walked into the room as a gaggle of other ladies all turned towards her entrance. Disappointment flitted across their faces before they swiveled back to each other, resuming their conversations. Sorry to rain on your parade.

  Katy dropped her water bottle near the edge and Belle followed suit. Her reflection stared back at her in the mirrored walls. A few pieces of bright red equipment lay stacked neatly in the corner.

  “How often do you come to these?” Belle asked.

  “As often as I can. The Shattered Cove police department puts them on for free for women in cycles of six weeks. They also run a separate class for kids to deal with bullying and trouble at home.” Katy leaned against one of the mirrors with her arms crossed.

  “Wow. That’s a really great resource.” It was sure to change lives. How much better would her childhood have been if she’d had a place like this to go to for help?

  “Yeah, the instructors are volunteer-based and the department does fundraising during the year to pay to rent this space,” Katy continued.

  “I’ve never heard of a town doing this—at least not this often.”

  “I don’t think there is one. Luckily for us, the topic of women and children’s safety is a priority for our sheriff.” Katy smiled.

  Bently had organized this?

  “Well, hello, ladies.” The deep voice confirmed her thoughts. She cut Katy a pointed look. Her friend just winked at her.

  A chorus of “hellos” answered him back as several women crowded his space. One woman touched his arm as she spoke. Bently stepped out of her reach as another woman all but shoved her boobs in his face. Belle shook her head as her stomach flipped uneasily. Bently smiled and nodded politely to the group as he made his way into the room. Another lady followed him inside, her dark hair pulled back into a tight bun.

  “Ladies, you remember Deputy Vargas. She’s going to be helping me today,” Bently said, scanning the room.

  Belle stood tall. She was here because she wanted to learn. She wasn’t going to let some playboy sheriff take that from her. His eyes met hers before a smile broke out on his perfectly chiseled face. She hated how her breath faltered.

  She gave him her best disinterested expression while holding his stare, willing her eyes not to scan over his muscle shirt to ogle those perfectly toned arms.

  “Alright, everyone, let’s form a wide circle,” Bently said as he and Vargas walked to the center.

  “How many of you have taken a self-defense class before?” Vargas asked. Several of the women raised their hands.

  “Okay, what we’re going to do is run through a few scenarios that could happen, and show you how you can best protect yourself,” Bently said, turning around. Belle’s eyes slid down, swallowing hard at the view of his firm backside.

  “Could bounce a quarter off that ass,” Katy whispered in her ear.

  Belle couldn’t argue. The woman spoke the truth.

  “Who wants to be the first volunteer?” Bently asked.

  Every woman’s hand in the group went up except Belle’s. Vargas shook her head.

  Bently chuckled. “Glad to see so much enthusiasm.”

  His eyes locked on hers again. A tingle of fear swept through her. She just needed to put everything else out of her mind, ignore the way he sent a hurricane of different emotions swirling inside her, and focus on the task at hand.

  “Katy,” Bently called.

  Belle sighed with relief as her friend walked over and stood next to Bently. “Let’s say you’re walking down the street and some guy grabs you like this.” He placed his hand over Katy’s forearm.

  “To get out of his hold, you’ll want to put your own hand over his knuckles, like this.” He moved Katy’s free hand over his. “Then you’ll need to swing your arm around to grab his wrist.”

  Katy did as he said.

  “Now push down,” Bently directed.

  Katy shifted. Bently fell to his knees with his arm held back at an odd angle. “Very good.”

  She smiled as she let him go and then took a small bow.

  “Now, you all break up into teams of two and try it yourself,” Vargas instructed.

  Katy returned to Belle’s side and grabbed her wrist. Belle moved through the steps and had her friend on her knees quick enough. She’d had to be a fast learner in order to survive.

  Bently and Vargas walked around the circle, guiding the women through the moves.

  “Nice form,” Bently said, smiling at her. She nodded before he continued on. Belle gripped Katy’s arm as they switched turns.

  A redhead sidled up to Bently, pushing her large breasts against him. “Can I try on a real man?”

  “Sure, Marcy.” Bently grabbed her arm, putting some distance between them. Marcy went through the moves, and he obligingly bent to the ground.

  “I love when a man gets on his knees. Makes me want to return the favor.” She winked.

  Katy snorted as Belle’s cheeks heated. Why should it bother her that the woman was throwing herself at Bently? He was a player and she had no interest in him. But it grated on her nerves anyway.

  Bently stood. “Vargas, why don’t you take over here and show Marcy the next position.”

  “Marcy’s been throwing herself at him since high school,” Katy whispered.

  “Probably sniffing around for seconds,” Belle mumbled.

  Katy quirked her eyebrow.

  “What?” Belle asked.

  “You like him.”

  Belle rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  Bently and Vargas demonstrated another evasive move that had him on his back, pinned to the ground.

  “Honey, there’s no shame. He’s more godlike than man.”

  “He’s nice to look at, but that’s it,” Belle conceded.

  “He’s also never given Marcy anything but a polite smile. So, you can sleep well tonight knowing the man has standards.” Katy laughed.

  Damn the flutter in her chest and the relief that washed over her like a tidal wave.

  “I’m gonna run to the bathroom really quick,” Katy said before scampering out of the room.

  “Okay, ladies, now you try,” Vargas said. The teams of women sprang into action. Belle stepped back, waiting for her friend’s return.

  Bently stood next to her. “Looks like you need a partner.”

  Belle took a longing glance at the door before she nodded. “I guess I do.”

  “Get down.”

  Belle lay on her back on the mat flooring.

  Bently knelt between her thighs and reached out his hands for her throat. She shuddered. It had been a long time since any man had been this close to her. Everywhere his body gently nudged hers, zings of electricity shot through her. Her breathing grew more uneven as she tried to get a hold of herself.

  “Now wrap your legs around my lower back in a close guard to secure me.” His voice was gravelly. She followed his directions, bringing his face close enough to notice the small scar separating the rough stubble on his chin. His woodsy scent made her head dizzy. He smelled good—too good.

  It’s just biology. He’s a hot guy, and our bodies are close. And it’s been a really long time.

  “Then lift your arms and secure them around my elbows by pushing them closer together.”

  Sucking in a shaky burst of oxygen, she did as he said. She was glad to have his directions because with him touching her like this, it was hard to remember her own name. The m
ovement pressed her breasts against his arms. Her nipples hardened and peaked. Heat rose to her cheeks, blanketing her whole body as the sensitive buds rubbed against him. There was no way he couldn’t feel it through the thin material of her sports bra. His eyes bore into hers rather than glancing at her cleavage. His restraint earned him a little bit of her respect. His body trembled as if he too was struggling to remain in control.

  “Now what?” she asked, her voice breathier than she’d intended.

  “Uh, now you release my waist and throw your legs around my shoulders and squeeze. Then lift up with your hips.”

  She did so and he released her before sitting back on his heels. “Good.”

  She panted, as she burned from the inside out.

  “Bently, can you show me too?” Marcy asked in a seductive tone.

  His gaze remained on Belle as he answered her. “Yeah, I just need a minute.”

  “What did I miss?” Katy asked, rejoining Belle.

  “Belle can show you.” Bently got up. “I’ll be right back,” he said, before leaving the room.

  “Damn, girl. I leave you alone for ten minutes and you gave the teacher a hard-on.”

  Belle’s attention snapped to her friend. “No I didn’t!” Did I?

  Marcy glared at her from across the room.

  “I’m just joking,” Katy teased.

  Was it possible Bently was just as affected by her as she was by him? Then again, it probably didn’t take much to get a man like him going.

  Belle got up and grabbed her bottle of water. She took long gulps of the cool liquid in hopes it would help quell the fire inside.

  I need to order a new vibrator.

  “Okay, ladies, let’s move into the next position,” Vargas instructed.

  Bently came back in a few minutes later and they resumed class. He gave every woman the same attention, smiling and being polite and professional. He either ignored Marcy’s come-ons or used Vargas as a buffer. Though his gaze found Belle’s several times over the course of the class, and lingered.

  Bently didn’t quite fit the original view she’d had of him. He didn’t seem arrogant, but rather humble and confident. He knew how to work a room of women, but he was respectful. He hadn’t made one flirty comment the whole class. Not to mention the fact that this whole thing was his idea. Why was protecting women and children a priority for him? Was it just because he was a good guy? Or was it something more personal than that?